Baby Blues

AA  • 2013-02-26 01:11:50  • Banda Desenhada  • Itens(24)  • ---

Baby Blues Ă© uma banda desenhada americana criada e produzida por Rick Kirkman e Jerry Scott desde 7 de janeiro de 1990. A tira concentra-se na famĂ­lia MacPherson e, especificamente, sobre as reuniĂ”es das trĂȘs crianças MacPherson. Os autores tĂȘm usado as suas experiĂȘncias parentais pessoais, como fonte de conteĂșdo da tira.
Banda Desenhada---24Excelente
---Năo NăoSim
1991 • NÂș. 1 - This is going to be tougher than we thought1993 • NÂș. 2 Guess who didn't take a nap?
1995 • NÂș. 3 She started it!1995 • NÂș. 4 - I thought labor ended when the baby was born.
1995 • NÂș. 5 We Are Experiencing Parental Difficulties... Please Stand By1996 • NÂș.6 Night os the Living Dad
1996 • NÂș.7 I Saw Elvis in my Ultrasound1997 • NÂș. 8 One More and We're Outnumbered!
1998 • NÂș. 9 Check, please...1998 • NÂș. 10 Threats, bribes & videotape
2000 • NÂș. 12 Lift and Separate2000 • NÂș. 13 I Shouldn't Have to Scream more than Once!!!
2001 • NÂș. 14 Motherhood is not for Wimps2002 • NÂș. 15 Baby Blues Unplugged
2002 • NÂș. 16 Dad to the Bone2003 • NÂș. 17 Never a dry Moment
2004 • NÂș. 18 Two Plus One is Enough2004 • NÂș. 19 Playdate: Category 5
2005 • NÂș. 20 Our Server is Down!2006 • NÂș. 21 Something Chocolate This Way Comes
2007 • NÂș. 22 Ficheiros Secretos (versĂŁo portuguesa)2008 • NÂș. 23 O Turno da Noite (versĂŁo portuguesa)
2008 • NÂș. 24 No princĂ­pio eram os Verbos (versĂŁo portuguesa)1999 • NÂș. 11 If I'm a Stay-At-Home Mom, Why Am I Always in the Car?